Wednesday, 2 September 2015

How Joey & I Got So Close!

Joey & Me

Joey was the strong silent type, so I didn't fancy my chances, but, well, I'm chatty and ever the one meeting new people, so I thought never say never...

I visited Brisbane and heard you can get up close & personal with some of Australia's most iconic animals, so I snapped up the chance immediately to hang out with the elusive wildlife that Australia is teeming with but is mostly a bit anti-social.

Of course, I used that age old tactic "the way to a man's heart..." and diligently purchased a nice bag full of animal feed pellets.  It broke the ice, but I got the impression he'd rather I'd whipped up something fancy (story of my life...).  I may have wooed him with tasty pellets, but thankfully I kept him with my charm & witty repartee!   After I'd built a little trust, I was able to pet him and just hang out really.  He was a good sport, but I have to say, his breath wasn't too nice so we parted ways.

I later went on to hold a koala!!  A KOALA!!! Those guys are really camouflaged, you don't really notice them in the wild, not like you do kangaroos.  Koala's are kind of mystical, like little leaf munching living teddies! So cute!  Or so I thought...  The up close and personal experience with koalas wasn't as fun loving as my time with Joey - we'd built a rapport and I got the impression he really liked me (or my pellets) - but koalas are tough customers, you know, your nan's cat when you're a child who just wants to love it!

Aah, Unrequited Love!

It's all a bit strict the whole koala holding shebang.  Somebody stands and poses you (towards the camera, hands folded & fully extended) and then the handler brings you the little chap & he attaches to you.  Mine seemed happy enough, and I thought, I'll make his day (mine more like) and reposition a little for a cheeky hug!  He seemed a bit grizzly, like the newborn being passed around the new relatives for a cuddle...  The picture's pretty cute though.

So, riding high on the success of hanging out with awesome animals, I tried to get plucky and hang out with an emu, but I think I was too chicken for it!

Trying to make friends with the Emu. Be Afraid, Be VERY Afraid.


  1. What great animal post!! The emu photo is a riot! I have never seen an emu in person. BIG bird!

    1. Hahaha, thank you! I was pretty scared of it!! They can run up to 40mph you know! Australia really has the most amazing animals! :)
